I'm embarrassed that I've not posted anything to my blog in over a year - but I suppose life gets in the way sometimes. We finished our renovation and I realized I was still in love with my last house. We decided to sell the 1960's ranch, listed it for sale in February, accepted one of the five offers, and began planning our move. So I suppose that's where I've been for the past 8 months or so.
I've always planned to have custom portraits made of each of the renovations I've done. I even ask for that as a Christmas gift most years (although I typically remember I want this in September and forget when asked again in December). My husband commissioned someone to do one of our houses for my birthday in May... but the guy has never completed the portrait. So... I figured how hard can it be, right?
I picked up some watercolor paper, watercolors, graphite paper and got to work. Here's the progress from photo, to sketch to nearly finished product: Although I'm sure a professional artist can create a nicer piece of art, overall, I'm pretty pleased. A DIY portrait is probably most fitting for my DIY renovations anyway.